Flying to Redon

Radio (mandatory):
119.930 Mhz.
French is mandatory at Redon:
you must be able to announce your arrival, say your position in the traffic pattern and understand others.
In the absence of a weather station, you may use our webcam
User : lfer (aucun mot de passe)
Use third option in the menu
Prepare your flight to LFER: Flight Preparation (in French).
How to get there:
The aerodrome is open all year round to daylight VFR trafic
If you do not intend to land in Redon, please avoid flying on or near the traffic pattern (1000 ft AGL)
Noise Abatement procedures: Avoid flying over Bains-sur-Oust, West of the installations.
In the downwind leg in the pattern, please preferably fly Ouest of and away from Bains-sur-Oust (at ~1200ft)
In the same downwind situation, ULM may fly between Bains-sur-Oust and the runway (at ~800ft). Please inform other pilots that you will use the short "ULM" traffic pattern at the radio (123.5 Mhz)
Outdoor Parking:
In front of hangar 1, runway side, on the hard surface or on the grass.
On the grass , on the other side of the taxiway (Pilot's small building side).
Do not park on the grass or hard surface in front of hangars 2 and 3, as you would interfere with the movements of the aircraft to and from those hangars.
Indoor Parking:
Contact Ludovic CADIOU (volunteer staff) (+33 6 1988 4286) with at least 48 hours advance notice to arrange for your arrival.
A copy of the RC insurance certificate for your aircraft will be required to park your aircraft in the hangar
The indoor parking fee is 10 € per night (if MTOW <1.5To), 15 € / night if higher MTOW)
Beyond 10 days per month, you can opt for monthly subscriptions (in French).
To base your aircraft on the aerodrome click here (In French)
Landing Tax :
No Landing Tax and no outside parking tax are due for private flights.
For business flights, fees are 10€ <1.5 To, 15€ <2 To, 20€ <3 To (ask us for heavier).
Services :
No service is provided at the aerodrome .
Local taxi phone numbers are displayed at the entrance door of the Pilot's small building
Fueling 100LL :
TOTAL 100LL fueling station has been closed. No fueling is provided to the public.
From the aerodrome, get to Redon downtown :
Downtown is 7kms away
Nearest restaurants in Redon are only 3kms away. However, because of the high way access, it takes 5kms riding to get there.
Any other information:
Please do not hesitate to Contact us by Email preferably or leave a message on the answering machine.
Thierry PERRET
Redon Aero-club President